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Archive for the 'PHP Class' Category

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 10 Ooops… I messed up, can I start over? – Using the UPDATE statement

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

We always have to make changes. In fact, I think that is one of the first things that people quote as an advantage of using computers, “it’s easy to change!”. That is right up there with “these are real time savers!”. Your mileage will vary I am sure… Information in the database is easy to […]

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 9 Putting data in the database – Using the INSERT statement

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

Ok, take two. The web can be unreliable at times, and it is never more frustrating than when you complete an article and hit save only to have the post fail. My impatience may result in a slightly abbreviated version of the last attempt. Remember folks, always copy long articles before submitting them on the […]

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 8 Data Data Everywhere!

Friday, January 13th, 2006

Today we take a short break from learning PHP. I would think that the bulk of the people reading these tutorials would like to learn about writing their own database driven web applications using PHP (that would be online shopping carts, message boards, and most any other use you would have for PHP scripts on […]

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 7 You must choose!

Friday, January 6th, 2006

When learning to write software, one of the most fundamental things is to make decisions. Usefull software requires input. Input is simply a clue to the program as to what to do next. For instance, when you are playing your favorite FPS (First Person Shooter), and you are running around shooting up all the rabid […]

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 6 HTML Forms are our friends!

Friday, December 30th, 2005

It’s been a few days since I posted. The holiday season was great and is generally the only time I actually take some time off. The workaholic in me has finally kicked my butt and has sent me back to the office though, so here goes. We talked earlier about sending input to a PHP […]

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